What Language to Choose, What Compiler to Use?

Whether you’re completely new to programming, or have been out of the game for so long that you’re completely lost, an important first step in becoming a coder is choosing your first language. While it is true that learning the principles behind Computer Science is what is truly important, in practice one needs a way of implementing these important concepts, converting theoretical into reality, and a trusted language is necessary for this. There are thousands of programming languages at the disposal of the modern day programmer, and making a choice of which one to use can be a little daunting. Coupled with this, there is no one language that fits all situations, each language has its own strengths and weaknesses in different areas.

What Platform Will You be Programming For?

The first question to ask is what system are you creating software for? This isn’t simply a question of Windows vs OS X vs Linux. You could be programming console systems like your Playstation 3 or Dreamcast. You could be interested in creating applications for your smart phone, such as a Blackberry or Treo. Or perhaps you want to write a small program to run a microcontroller in a robot you’ve built.

If you are indeed completely new to programming, you may want to start by writing programs for your computer. Programming for unique architectures can often have their own slew of hiccups and peculiarities that will detract from learning core ideas. The goal is to become comfortable with the idea of programming in general, get the general concepts under your belt, then move on to the more advanced stuff as you feel more confident.

Okay, So What Language Do I Choose?

Even after making the decision of starting with your PC as a platform, the choices aren’t over yet. Most languages can be used to create programs on your desktop. The ones we tend to hear a lot about are BASIC/Visual Basic, C/C++/C#, and Java. Once you have chosen a language, you need a program called a “compiler” which converts your code into machine code the computer can understand. Below I’ve posted links to a few popular choices.

BASIC / Visual Basic

BASIC has typically been used as a beginner’s language. It’s easy to learn and quick to implement. However, the same simplicity that makes it a great language to start with also limits its potential as projects get bigger and more complex. In comes Visual Basic (especially modern day VB.NET). It combines the simplicity of BASIC’s syntax with the power of .NET and object oriented programming. While you may not be familiar with these concepts, VB.NET paves the way of making life easy until you’re ready to tackle these advanced topics.

For those looking to start with BASIC, especially one geared toward game development, Dark BASIC (http://darkbasic.thegamecreators.com/) is an excellent choice. Though it is not free, there is a trial version, and the full version is only $39.99 (at the time of this article).

If you’re looking to go with Visual Basic, which is this author’s suggestion, Microsoft currently offers Express editions of all its products, completely for free. The entire product family is incredibly powerful and a very good deal (free!). Check out Visual Basic Express 2008 (http://www.microsoft.com/express/vb).

C / C++ / C#

The C family of languages are definitely less fluffy than Visual Basic. However, this fits their purpose – less of beginner languages, and more powerful as projects get larger and more involved. This is not to say it is impossible or even a bad idea to learn programming using C – there are many concepts central to Computer Science and computer architecture in general that can be demonstrated much more clearly with C than with VB, such as memory management.

C/C++ have been around for a while and are the preferred languages in many different environments – because of which a large number of tools can be found. Again, Microsoft offers Visual Studio Express versions of their C++ compiler. The far most well known compiler, however, is the GNU compiler, which can be found on countless platforms, including UNIX, Linux, OS X, etc. For more information, check it out here (http://gcc.gnu.org/)

C# is a creation of Microsoft and tied much more closely to the .NET framework. While it may be not the perfect choice for a beginner language, it is a great language for both web application work as well as creating applications for Pocket PCs and Windows Mobile powered smart phones. Visual Studio Express also contains a C# module.


Java is another interesting choice – it looks similar to C++ at first glance, but offers something quite different. Java is geared toward true cross platform portability. When you write and compile Java code, it is turned into what’s called “Byte Code” which actually runs on a virtual machine on top of your real machine. What’s neat is that while the real machine underneath can be different, each machine will run the same virtual machine, so the code you write for one platform will theoretically work for another. Java, for this reason, is an excellent choice for client side web applications and mobile applications on cell phones. When I write applications for my Blackberry, I always use Java. Sun offers its official (and free) Java compiler as a part of the Java SDK (JDK) – you can find it here (http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp).

You’re On Your Way

The language you begin with is important – it is your first companion as you explore the sights and wonders that are Computer Science. Don’t be too worried about picking the perfect language though – if you’re fairly comfortable with your choice you’ll be fine, and once you’ve built up some programming skills, you can easily branch out and try new languages, especially ones that might suit your needs in the particular project you’re working on. Good luck!

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